Celebration of Life

On June 22, family and friends came together to remember and honour Shirley in an "Under the Tuscan Sun" inspired outdoor garden party and potluck dinner. It was a magical evening where we were able to celebrate our wonderful friend, partner, sister, artist, neighbour and fellow animal lover.

Many thanks to all who attended, and helped make this such a great event. A special thanks to the planning committee of Vanessa, Eva, and Margo who helped organize a myriad of tasks, decorations, and people. Further thanks to Scott for sound and Glen for electrical and lighting.


Rob, Vanessa, and Charlotte with ukulele's leading everyone in song to some of Shirley's favourites.
Amy, Caroline, and Ben make beautiful music.
The video put together by Crystal in honour of Shirley and her talent.
Along with all the tasty food brought by everyone, Michael of the Grateful Griller served up some fantastic salmon.



And the very enthralling performances by Anouk and Pierre (anoukpierre.blogspot.ca).

Marisha delivered a poignant tribute to Shirley. (Check back here for the video.)